Dachshund Health Problems

Just like with any other breeds dachshund health problems are a concern to potential dachshund owners and dachshund owners. It is encouraging to know that many dachshunds live healthy lives. Their lifespan is between 12 and 15 years. Dachshunds are happy go lucky and playful when healthy. A healthy dachshund has very high energy levels. In fact they need very little encouragement to be active. It is however unfortunate that one in every four dachshunds will become paralyzed in middle age from disk disease. Their vertebra is weak due to their elongated structure and short legs. You must train the dachshund not to jump from beds and furniture. Always lift him when he needs to climb. Take care to support his entire back as you lift him.

Some health problems may be inherited. Inherited dachshund health problems can be avoided by purchasing your puppy from a good registered breeder. The breeder will use genetically superior strains to breed your dachshund and you can be sure that he will be free from any hereditary health problems.

Dachshund Health ProblemsOther common dachshund health problems are obesity, hypothyroidism, epilepsy, eye diseases urinary diseases, itchy skin conditions, thinning hair and heart diseases. This is not to scare any dachshund owner as most dachshunds are very healthy.

It is best to take preventative care and take the necessary precautions to avoid these problems and keep your dachshund healthy. To avoid any problems with the well being of your dachshund there are some things you could do. First feed your dog good quality food and give your dachshund all the necessary vitamins. Do not just buy dog food blindly, just because it is attractively packaged with a picture of a healthy dog. Look at the ingredients. Your dog may have allergies for certain foods so make sure you avoid dog food with such ingredients. To avoid dachshund health problems exercise your dachshund often and regularly. You should also take your dachshund to the vet when vaccines are due. When it comes to the back problems that are likely to affect dachshunds follow the advice given for avoiding back problems.

If you notice any sign of a dachshund health problem address the issue right away. Examine your dachshund often when grooming and petting. Check their coats, look for lumps and bumps. See if your dachshund is eating well and what he is eating. If your dachshund is eating grass, it is most likely that his stomach is upset. Sometimes your dachshund may end up vomiting and you will see what was upsetting their stomach. You must be very careful about what your dachshund eats. They eat almost anything.  They may eat some things that could be toxic and potentially fatal. There may also be a problem with your dachshund if he does not have appetite and has withdrawn from activity. Your dachshund may also exhibit unexplained squeaks and cries when unwell. Diarrhea is also a sign of illness. However, if there is ever blood or worms in his stool, that is a sign of serious dachshund health problems, take him to vet immediately.

Dachshund Allergies

Dachshunds are generally healthy but occasionally they may display allergies. Causes of dachshund allergies vary and may include certain foods, environment or even products used on them like shampoos.

When a dachshund has an allergy you will notice some signs. One of the signs is that the dog may be scratching. However not all scratching dogs have an allergy. Fleas also cause itchiness so you may want to check for fleas first.

Dachshund AllergiesAnother sign of an allergy will show when a dog is allergic to certain foods. A lot of dogs are allergic to corn wheat and rice. The food you feed your dachshunds can cause allergies. When a dog has food allergies he will scratch persistently and you may notice bumps on his skin. Though again it could be due to the fleas. Apart from fleas and food allergies, severe itching can also be a result of plants, dust and other allergens such as pollen. Sometimes the dachshund allergies will cause the dog to scratch, lick or chew on certain parts of their bodies. This could be because of allergenic dermatitis. Allergenic dermatitis is a reaction that appears on the skin condition. All the scratching and biting creates sores that can get infected. Some dachshunds may develop dry skin sores and eczema. These are often a result of not feeding the dachshund with nutritious food. It can easily be corrected with proper diet.

Dachshund allergies may also be exhibited when a dachshund vomits or diarrheas. Allergies may have adverse effects on the dachshund to the point of making them sick. When your dog gets these symptoms and you take him to the vet do not get so surprised when the cause is actually an allergy.

When a dachshund has an allergic reaction, sometimes he may sound like he has problems breathing and may often make sounds like he’s trying to clear his throat. Though, it is not always that when a dachshund behaves like this that he has an allergy. There could be other causes like a collapsed trachea. So take your dachshund dog to a vet for a proper examination.

There are different ways of treating dachshund allergies. The treatments vary depending on the cause. Do not attempt to diagnose the dog’s allergy yourself unless you are a vet. Otherwise, take him to a professional. Allergies are mostly treated with change of diet, antihistamines, antibiotics, antifungals, cortisone, allergy shots, nutritional supplements or even bathing with special shampoos. When dealing with airborne causes of allergies, limit the dachshund’s exposure to airborne allergens. If it is pollen, keep them away from flowers and grass that have pollen. If your dog has food allergies you could buy special food ensuring that the food does not have wheat, rice or corn which are the common causes of allergies in dachshunds.

After a proper diagnosis is made your vet will prescribe the treatment. All in all the best idea is to go to your vet if the dachshund allergies are out of control and follow what the vet will advice.