Dachshund Barking

Generally, dogs communicate by barking. Some barking is may be communicating something useful like injury. However when the dachshund barking is excessive it becomes a problem. Excessive barking is not only annoying to the dachshund owner, family and neighbors; it also stresses lungs, throat and chest of the dachshund. As a breed dachshunds are barkers. They are originally German hunters.  As hunters they are predisposed to becoming hostile and barking at anything and anyone. They are aggressive and like to dominate and may actually think they own the house and the yard and will bark when there is an intruder or even for the sake of it. Do not let them get used to it. Stop it at an early age when your dachshund is still a puppy as it will become a serious problem later.

Dachshunds bark for several reasons. Dachshund barking may be to protect their territory, to raise alarm or to get attention. They may also bark to say hi or they have a need. Injured or sick dachshunds also tend to bark a lot. The degree of barking often varies depending on the cause of barking.

dachshund barkingWhen dealing with excessive barking, start by finding out why your dachshund is barking. It is only after finding out why your dachshund is barking that you will know how to eliminate the dachshund barking problem. To eliminate the barking you must eliminate the cause. For instance, He could be seeking attention. If this is the reason, spend quality time with your dachshund. Exercise with him and train with him. Have time set aside to play with him and cuddle up. Although, you should do not do this only when he barks as you will be reinforcing wrong behavior. It is best to ignore him when he barks for attention.

Sometimes if you leave your dachshund for a longtime he will become anxious and bark excessively. It therefore becomes necessary to teach him to be home alone. At first leave him for some minutes then build up gradually. Eventually he will get used to you being away for hours.

Dachshund barking may not stop immediately and you need to be firm with the dog. When the dog starts barking allow him to bark twice then command him in a strong voice to stop. If he doesn’t, walk away or take him to another room until he is quiet then praise him. When dealing with dachshund barking you may keep some toys to keep your dachshund busy especially if he barks because he is bored.

Dachshunds are known to be stubborn but do not scold your dachshund. Just issue the ‘QUIET’ command. If you shout it will make matters worse and take him longer to make a connection with the command amidst the yelling. Remain calm at all times. When the barking becomes excessive and nothing else works you could bark control collar. Nevertheless it is important to take your dachshund to a vet in case there is a serious underlying problem that is causing the barking.

Dachshund Health Problems

Just like with any other breeds dachshund health problems are a concern to potential dachshund owners and dachshund owners. It is encouraging to know that many dachshunds live healthy lives. Their lifespan is between 12 and 15 years. Dachshunds are happy go lucky and playful when healthy. A healthy dachshund has very high energy levels. In fact they need very little encouragement to be active. It is however unfortunate that one in every four dachshunds will become paralyzed in middle age from disk disease. Their vertebra is weak due to their elongated structure and short legs. You must train the dachshund not to jump from beds and furniture. Always lift him when he needs to climb. Take care to support his entire back as you lift him.

Some health problems may be inherited. Inherited dachshund health problems can be avoided by purchasing your puppy from a good registered breeder. The breeder will use genetically superior strains to breed your dachshund and you can be sure that he will be free from any hereditary health problems.

Dachshund Health ProblemsOther common dachshund health problems are obesity, hypothyroidism, epilepsy, eye diseases urinary diseases, itchy skin conditions, thinning hair and heart diseases. This is not to scare any dachshund owner as most dachshunds are very healthy.

It is best to take preventative care and take the necessary precautions to avoid these problems and keep your dachshund healthy. To avoid any problems with the well being of your dachshund there are some things you could do. First feed your dog good quality food and give your dachshund all the necessary vitamins. Do not just buy dog food blindly, just because it is attractively packaged with a picture of a healthy dog. Look at the ingredients. Your dog may have allergies for certain foods so make sure you avoid dog food with such ingredients. To avoid dachshund health problems exercise your dachshund often and regularly. You should also take your dachshund to the vet when vaccines are due. When it comes to the back problems that are likely to affect dachshunds follow the advice given for avoiding back problems.

If you notice any sign of a dachshund health problem address the issue right away. Examine your dachshund often when grooming and petting. Check their coats, look for lumps and bumps. See if your dachshund is eating well and what he is eating. If your dachshund is eating grass, it is most likely that his stomach is upset. Sometimes your dachshund may end up vomiting and you will see what was upsetting their stomach. You must be very careful about what your dachshund eats. They eat almost anything.  They may eat some things that could be toxic and potentially fatal. There may also be a problem with your dachshund if he does not have appetite and has withdrawn from activity. Your dachshund may also exhibit unexplained squeaks and cries when unwell. Diarrhea is also a sign of illness. However, if there is ever blood or worms in his stool, that is a sign of serious dachshund health problems, take him to vet immediately.

Dachshund Allergies

Dachshunds are generally healthy but occasionally they may display allergies. Causes of dachshund allergies vary and may include certain foods, environment or even products used on them like shampoos.

When a dachshund has an allergy you will notice some signs. One of the signs is that the dog may be scratching. However not all scratching dogs have an allergy. Fleas also cause itchiness so you may want to check for fleas first.

Dachshund AllergiesAnother sign of an allergy will show when a dog is allergic to certain foods. A lot of dogs are allergic to corn wheat and rice. The food you feed your dachshunds can cause allergies. When a dog has food allergies he will scratch persistently and you may notice bumps on his skin. Though again it could be due to the fleas. Apart from fleas and food allergies, severe itching can also be a result of plants, dust and other allergens such as pollen. Sometimes the dachshund allergies will cause the dog to scratch, lick or chew on certain parts of their bodies. This could be because of allergenic dermatitis. Allergenic dermatitis is a reaction that appears on the skin condition. All the scratching and biting creates sores that can get infected. Some dachshunds may develop dry skin sores and eczema. These are often a result of not feeding the dachshund with nutritious food. It can easily be corrected with proper diet.

Dachshund allergies may also be exhibited when a dachshund vomits or diarrheas. Allergies may have adverse effects on the dachshund to the point of making them sick. When your dog gets these symptoms and you take him to the vet do not get so surprised when the cause is actually an allergy.

When a dachshund has an allergic reaction, sometimes he may sound like he has problems breathing and may often make sounds like he’s trying to clear his throat. Though, it is not always that when a dachshund behaves like this that he has an allergy. There could be other causes like a collapsed trachea. So take your dachshund dog to a vet for a proper examination.

There are different ways of treating dachshund allergies. The treatments vary depending on the cause. Do not attempt to diagnose the dog’s allergy yourself unless you are a vet. Otherwise, take him to a professional. Allergies are mostly treated with change of diet, antihistamines, antibiotics, antifungals, cortisone, allergy shots, nutritional supplements or even bathing with special shampoos. When dealing with airborne causes of allergies, limit the dachshund’s exposure to airborne allergens. If it is pollen, keep them away from flowers and grass that have pollen. If your dog has food allergies you could buy special food ensuring that the food does not have wheat, rice or corn which are the common causes of allergies in dachshunds.

After a proper diagnosis is made your vet will prescribe the treatment. All in all the best idea is to go to your vet if the dachshund allergies are out of control and follow what the vet will advice.

Dachshund Behavior

Dachshunds are special dogs and every owner of a dachshund needs to understand dachshund behavior in order to handle the dog in situations such as training. Dachshunds are genetically aggressive. They may be small dogs but do not let the size fool you. They are very ferocious. Dachshunds are aggressive to both strangers and other dogs. Dachshunds do not like unfamiliar people and environments. Dachshunds can also be aggressive towards children and surprisingly their owners too. Dachshunds get Irritable when punished and not shown affection. When this happens they are likely to respond defensively bringing out their aggression. They are also very possessive of their toys, especially if the dachshund has never had a toy before. They are mostly aggressive particularly if they have had previous bad experience or are unsocialized. Dachshunds often display jealousy tendencies when they want attention, so spend a lot of quality time with them. Put a stop to early signs of jealousy as soon as you spot them.

Dachshunds are playful fun loving dogs. They are generally a breed of energetic, lively and charming dogs. They are also very affectionate and love to cuddle. They crave human companionship. For an emotionally healthy dachshund and to avoid bad dachshund behavior that may result from neglect loneliness and boredom, find time to play with your dog and to pet him and cuddle up.

Dachshund BehaviorDachshunds are a very Intelligent and clever breed. When they do not follow instructions sometimes it is not because they are stupid but they just choose to ignore you. So choose the right time to train the dachshund especially when he is in a good mood. Particularly, it can be difficult to house train dachshunds because of their stubbornness. Indeed this dachshund behavior can make it very frustrating to teach them anything but persistence is necessary.

Dachshunds have loud barks. This is often a very annoying dachshund behavior especially if the dachshund is always barking and won’t stop. Some dachshunds have barking problems and will bark for no reason at all. Dachshunds are alert watchdogs who do not like strangers and so they bark when there are strangers around to protect their domain. They are very good watch dogs and bark to raise alarm if there is an intruder. On the other hand they are not yard dogs and should not be left outside unsupervised they can be very destructive and pose danger to anyone who comes into the compound. In any case don’t like being left outside or isolated from their human family. Dachshunds are devoted and loyal to their masters. They do not like being left alone. It is when they are left alone that they develop separation anxiety

Dachshunds are burrowers by nature so they will definitely dig around. If dachshunds are let loose, they will ruin your garden and dig holes all over the yard. The best way to avoid this is to keep your dachshund busy and make him exercise so that he has no energy left for digging around. You could also create a patch where he is allowed to dig. If you notice any dachshund behavior that is harmful and uncontrollable, seek the help of a professional.

Dachshund House Training

Dachshunds are special dogs that have their own distinctive personality from other dogs. This makes dachshund house training notoriously difficult to most owners. Many dachshund owners often give up and take them to shelters or rescue groups. You do not have to do that. House training a dachshund is very possible. To have an easier time house training your dachshund the first thing is to understand him. It is worth noting from the start that dachshunds are not stupid dogs, they are just arrogant and do not like following commands. They like having the upper hand.  Once you understand this you will appreciate the challenge and be encouraged not to give up house training him. It takes time and patience but eventually they will learn and the rewards of a comfortable life will follow.

Because of their big egos, dachshunds will want to do what they want. Motivate the dachshund to do what you want rather than what he wants. Dachshunds love attention, so as you house train them give them praise for achievements, pet them and give them tasty treats. If you catch him relieving himself in an inappropriate place stop him in a firm loud voice and carry him outside. There is no room for shouting and yelling during dachshund house training. It only delays the process. The occasional accidents before he is fully trained may be inevitable so do not get angry when they happen. Do not get discouraged he is also trying his best. One thing that some people do, which you must never do, is to rub his nose in his mess. This will make matters worse and the dog will become horrified and end up fearing and resenting you.

Dachshund House TrainingThe dachshund dog may not control the bladder for long at first and will need to potty frequently. With time they will be able to hold for longer. You could use a crate for dachshund house training. Keeping the dog in a comfortable crate associated with positive things like comfort sleep and food is a good method of house training. A dog has a natural desire not to soil where he sleeps or eats. But do not keep him there for so long. It will amount to dachshund torture. To make matters worse the dog may end up relieving himself there and it could become a habit. He could become accustomed to lying in his own mess because of your neglect.

Establish a routine for dachshund house training. For instance have a habit of taking the dog outside when he needs to go outside and take him out at specific times. When he goes outside be very excited, praise him and reward him. Rewards and praises communicate to the dachshund that he has done the right thing and you are impressed. These are encouraging acts and you should keep doing this until he is well trained or he may relapse. You must be consistent to avoid relapses. Get him to go in the same spot every time. During dachshund house training do not allow bad habits to begin.

Dachshund Tips

One of the most important dachshund tips has to do with how you handle the dog. When training a dachshund care should be taken not to injure the dog. You should make sure you do not hurt the dogs back. It can cause serious health problems.

When you have a new dachshund you ought to be very watchful before the dachshund is fully trained. He may expose himself to danger and you should be there to avoid it. For instance he may start jumping up on furniture which is dangerous for a dachshund’s back. Be careful where you get your dachshund tips from as some of them are outrageous. Like if you are trying to potty train a dachshund there are those who suggest that if he potties at the wrong place then rub his nose in his mess. That should never be done as the dog will develop fear and end up resenting you.

dachshund separation anxietyAll owners of dachshunds should ensure that the dog gets plenty of exercise. Dachshunds have so much energy in them. Exercising is a great and safe way to release the energy. If they do not get exercise they will end up releasing the energy negatively. They may start digging all over the yard, barking endlessly, chewing on things and their aggression may even surface.

Naturally dachshunds are aggressive.  Aggressiveness must be suppressed by proper training to avoid future mishaps in the home and they should be kept away from teasing children before full training. You could get dachshund tips to deal with the aggression from a rescue center as they have handled so many aggressive dogs that are victims of abuse.

Train the dog at the right age. If you wait too long it may be more difficult to train him though not impossible. Dogs are more willing to learn when they are younger. During the training period you must exercise a lot of patience. It will not happen overnight. Dachshunds have big egos. They will want to do what they want. You must get your dachshund to do what you want. The tip here is to motivate the dachshund. When he does what you ask, praise him and give him a treat. Never allow bad habits to take root. Use a firm tone and simple words like ‘NO’ when admonishing a dachshund. Never shout at him or even hit him, he may respond aggressively.

When you have a dachshund, his health is of great concern. The most prominent of dachshund tips concerning their health is that it is better to avoid the problems in the first place. Better still the health problems are easily avoided with very simple tips. You should feed your dog good quality food and give him all the necessary vitamins. Exercise your dachshund often and regularly. You should also take your dachshund to the vet when vaccines are due. When it comes to the back problems that are a major concern for dachshunds, follow the dachshund tips given by your vet. They include lifting the dog to get him on and off furniture rather than allowing him to jump. Support the dachshund’s entire back as you lift him.

Dachshund Biting

Dachshunds were bred to be hunters. As hunters it is in their nature to kill, so it naturally follows that dachshund biting is in the genes. Dachshunds will often bite due to fear, anxiety or aggression. It is essential to teach your dog at an early stage not to bite. Because they are small their biting may seem playful and you may even ignore it as harmless. It may escalate to a more serious problem and bring out aggressive behavior that could be dangerous to other pets and people particularly children. So address the problem as soon as the early signs show up.

When it comes to fear it is the unsocialized dachshunds, more than any other breed are the most likely to bite. An event may have happened to trigger fear early in life making the dog a biter whenever he senses fear. Most shelter dogs are fear biters as they most likely have been victims of abuse. The biting makes interaction with new people and dogs scary rather than an event to look forward to. It makes owners keep their friends from visiting and taking a walk with the dog can also be a very tedious job. Sometimes the dachshund dog could bite if he is in a high state of anxiety.

Dachshund BitingDachshund biting is also a way of asserting dominance. If this is the case, show the dog that you are the alpha dog and that you are the dominant one. Dogs respect their leaders and will do what the leader wants. In cases of dachshund biting as a result of aggression, avoid playing rough games. The rough games may bring out the dachshunds aggression. It may lead to biting. Fear biting and aggression biting are often confused but very easy to distinguish. If their ears are pinned back along the head rather than forward it most likely it is out of fear.

There are several ways of dealing with your biting dachshund. You should say a firm NO when he bites, even playfully. Do not punish him. Give dachshund plenty of toys to bite on. Do this every time he bites. You could also whine or squeal in a high pitch when he bites you. The dachshund will know that it hurts and try to avoid it.

Though it is possible to train dachshund at any age, when faced with dachshund biting, the easiest and best time is when they are below six months old. Never hit back at a dachshund for biting especially when they are young and do not understand what he has done wrong. It may cause the puppy to develop anxiety and actually make the biting problems worse as they tend to bite when anxious. It is more difficult to train an adult dog not to bite. You may have to seek the services of a professional trainer. Make sure your puppy is well socialized as early as possible. When the dachshund biting threatens to get out of control, it is best to hire professional trainer to stop the biting.

Dachshund Training Tips

The most important of the Dachshund training tips is to get a proper instructor. The instructor must be qualified and if necessary conduct an interview. It is also necessary to know what the trainer will cover during the training period to see whether any aspect of training has been left out.

When training a dachshund, you must be persistent with your commands. You must make him listen to you. The dog may try to ignore you as dachshunds are known to be hard headed and breaking through to them can be a real challenge but you should not give up. It is really not sensible to give up after the first few tries. Another important tip is to always use the dogs name when giving command to get its attention. During the training sessions the trainer must be strict but then compassionate and lenient afterwards. If one is not strict with their dachshund it can easily gain the upper hand and learn to disobey commands. Patience is of vital importance when training a dachshund. It is actually one of the most important dachshund training tips. Bear in mind that Training dachshunds is a progressive process. It will not happen overnight, so do not rush your dachshund.

Dachshund Training TipsTraining must be carefully planned. One must have a simple and clear training program and stick to it. Consistency in training is therefore another one of the important dachshund training tips. The trainer should have a simple method and should not keep changing it. The trainer must be disciplined and keep to the routine. The dog would more disciplined and willing to learn if their trainer is disciplined too. Do not let the dog get away with indiscipline just because he is too cute. Some people even forget that dachshunds are dogs and give them special treatment. They consider them as people, hence disregarding the whole training process. Dog training is very important, no matter how cute the dog is.

Dachshund training tips would recommend that the trainer uses simple commands. For instance it would be better to say ‘come’ rather than ‘come here’. The trainer should issue one command at a time. This way the dog will learn faster. Training should also focus on the most important and basic commands at first.

After a training session, keep refreshing him of the commands he has learned, to make him remember and practice. He will be less likely to forget. Nevertheless you should never shout at your dog or punish him when he doesn’t get the command. It would encourage the dachshund if he is rewarded after every session so make a point of giving the dog a treat after the session.

Another important and easiest of the tips is to make it fun and interesting. Dachshunds are generally playful, and will learn better when the learning process is not taken so seriously. Remember they are generally playful dogs and love to have fun. Make the training a peasant experience.

In a nutshell the dachshund training tips come down to exercising a lot of love, patience and firmness. Training a dachshund can be very challenging but with these tips it can be a lot easier.

Dachshund Chewing

Dachshund dogs are known to have chewing problems. It is their natural instinct to chew and can therefore be difficult to stop dachshund chewing, especially given their stubborn nature. Some dachshund owners let their dachshunds chew on anything. Reason being that they think it is natural. Other owners do not allow the chewing at all. Well there could be times when chewing is acceptable and times when it is not. Keeping a dachshund from chewing is very difficult and depends on why the puppy is chewing in the first place. Though it is good to know that chewing in dachshunds is very common when they are puppies but most dachshunds outgrow it.

Chronic dachshund chewing can be very destructive. Chewing dachshunds destroy shoes furniture and house hold items. It therefore becomes difficult to keep the dachshund from destroying your belongings. Do not be discouraged. With proper training the dachshund will stop chewing as they are intelligent dogs.

dachshund chewingDachshunds mostly chew when they are bored and lonely. They will frequently chew when the owner is away. It is therefore a good idea to keep your dachshund active to avoid mindless chewing. So when you leave make sure you provide the dachshund dog with plenty of toys to play with, to keep him active. Alternatively, you could keep him in a crate.

Sometimes dachshund chewing may be due to teething. In such a case do not stop the biting but redirect it. Give him toys to chew on. In this case if you do not facilitate the chewing then do not get mad when he chews on your shoe. When he is teething the dachshund has to chew on something. When choosing chew toys for your dachshund do not choose toys that resemble the thing that he loves to chew most.  For instance, if you don’t want your dachshund dog to chew on shoes do not give him an old shoe to chew on or buy a chew toy that resembles a shoe. If your dachshund tends to chew on particular items you could use sprays like cayenne pepper. The items will taste very bad and the dog will never want to chew on the item again. He will associate those items with bad taste.

To help with the dachshund chewing problem, you should never let him nibble on your fingers, even if it seems playful and innocent. The nibbling will lead to chewing then biting. When he nibbles on your fingers make him stop. You must control his chewing from an early age even when it seems harmless.

When training a dachshund with chewing problems use positive training techniques and never shout at or smack your dachshund. The dog may respond aggressively, and it may end up badly. You should show the dog that it is not ok to chew on furniture and other stuff but in a firm friendly manner. Teach them to chew on the right things. When dealing with dachshund chewing, be cautious of what your dachshund chews on. You might consider some toys for dachshunds which can certainly help with the chewing. Some items may be toxic and may cause illness and in the worst case death of the dachshund. Do not let him chew things he is likely to swallow. He could choke on them.

Dachshund Aggression

The dachshund may take the number one spot in aggression but that does not mean that the dog cannot be trained. Dachshund aggression can start as early as when the dachshund is only 6 weeks old. Punishing, shouting or hitting your dachshund at an early age when they do not understand what they have done may lead to problems with aggression as he grows up. They may be small dogs but with so much inherent aggression and big egos. Dachshunds were bred to hunt badgers, so naturally they are genetically predisposed to be aggressive. They do not take kindly to strangers and can be very nasty to anyone who visits. Some dachshunds have been known to bite strangers and surprisingly their owners as well.

Dachshund aggression may be caused by several factors like dominance, fear, injury, disease or their genetic predisposition. The important thing is to address the problem as soon as possible. Aggressive behavior in dachshund may be dangerous and may harm people and other pets if not controlled.

Dachshund AggressionWhen you notice early signs of aggression which show up as early as six weeks, you must address it before it becomes a full blown problem that will be harder to deal with. Dealing with dachshund aggression it is essential to socialize the dog by 14 weeks with other dogs as well as people. An un-socialized dachshund will exhibit aggression especially with strangers. Teach people to treat your dachshund with kindness. Dachshunds may become aggressive due to fear. Strangers, children and other pets would pose a threat triggering defensive aggression in dachshunds. Fear aggression may often cause the dachshund to bite. Kind treatment will assure the dachshund that people are ok and can be trusted. This will eliminate the dachshund’s aggression towards them.

Dachshunds like to dominate. The desire to dominate makes dachshunds aggressive. In order to control dachshund aggression in this case, the owner should establish dominance over their dachshund from an early age. The owner must demonstrate to the dachshund that he is the pack leader. Demonstrating dominance can be done in simple ways such as eating before he does. You may also be the first to walk into and out of the house then he follows. Train him to walk on a loose leash and not pulling ahead of you. Be a strong leader and teach him.

When dealing with an aggressive dog, you should know that aggressive dogs should never be rewarded. It will encourage hostility.  Furthermore, a dog needs to be spayed to lessen its aggression. When the aggression does not subside after several attempts to eliminate the aggression it is time to get a professional’s help. Do not ever let it get to a point where your dachshund is physically attacking people, it may be too late.

Do not play games with a dachshund that involve chasing. Remember they are hunters and are trained to kill and when such an opportunity is presented to them. Such games will trigger dachshund aggression. Besides, you can never outrun a dachshund so it is best to avoid such games altogether.