Dachshund Whelping

Dachshund whelping is the act of giving birth to puppies. Most dachshund owners are concerned about their dogs getting pregnant and all the dangers involved, such as straining the dachshunds weak vertebrae. This is because of their elongated low bodies which are easily strained during pregnancy causing back problems. Some dachshund owners prefer to avoid dachshund pregnancy altogether. It is also a fact that some puppies may be born dead or may die within a few hours of birth.

Normal dachshund pregnancy usually lasts between 63 and 65 days. But where a dachshund is pregnant with so many puppies, she may give birth prematurely. When your dachshund is pregnant you should feed her healthy food and feed her more. Increase her food intake by 50%.

The grand finale of the whole pregnancy process is the whelping stage. This is when you get to meet your new puppies. There are signs to look out for to be sure that whelping is finally about to begin. Pay attention to these signs and never leave your dachshund alone during whelping, a situation may arise that may necessitate the presence of a vet and you will have to call one.

The first sign of that dachshund whelping is about to happen is the temperature drop. But do not bank so much on this and walk around with a thermometer since it is not all dachshunds that have a temperature drop. The temperature may drop by a degree or two below normal just before whelping.

Another sign is that you will notice that your dachshund has no of interest in food 24 hours before whelping. She will experience lack of appetite. You may also notice your dachshund licking her vulva. This is also a sign that dachshund whelping is on the way. Then you will notice a gray water balloon-like sac hanging out of her vulva. She will walk around for a while with it hanging out. The moment the sac is produced stay alert as the whelping will begin any time. Dachshunds mostly deliver within an hour of the water sac being presented. The sac will open and a clear fluid will come out. Delivery will follow shortly after.

During the dachshund whelping process, the first puppy is always the most difficult to deliver. The puppy may whine and groan during the contractions. Monitor the dachshund very closely and with a watch. If no puppy is delivered within first hour of the water sac showing, that may be a situation to call your vet. When the puppy is delivered it will be covered in a thin film, sort of like polythene. The mother must lick off the film from her puppy to facilitate breathing. If the film is not removed within 6 minutes of whelping, the dachshund may suffer brain damage. If the dachshund is unable to remove the film you should do so yourself.

The entire process of dachshund whelping can take between two to twenty hours. The dachshund will deliver one or two puppies and stay for some hours before delivering some more. It is both an exciting and tense moment.

Dachshund Separation Anxiety

It is hard to imagine that the happy go lucky and playful dachshund may suffer from separation anxiety. Dachshund separation anxiety is not strange and is often seen in this breed. Surprisingly, the dachshund may actually develop separation anxiety even in adulthood. All dogs have an attachment to their masters. When you leave they become restless wondering whether you will come back.

There are ways you can tell whether your dachshund suffers from separation anxiety. A dachshund that has a separation anxiety problem will bark a lot and it can get annoying. You will also notice aggressive behavior in you dachshund that surfaces as you leave which can be very destructive and you will often return to a very messy home. The dog never wants to be alone or even without the owner around.

dachshund separation anxietyThere are several things you can do to ease dachshund separation anxiety. First and foremost you should become a powerful leader. Dogs pay attention to their leader and respect him. As a leader you should demonstrate to your dachshund that you will always come back. You could try to stand outside the door for a while then return. You could do this severally on different occasions and eventually your dachshund will trust that you will always come back when you leave. When he gains this trust, start by leaving him for short duration then build up to longer time. He will gradually adapt to being alone. Obedience training may also be necessary when dealing with separation anxiety. You should be able to command him to stay quiet when you’re gone and this is achievable by obedience training.

When dealing with dachshund separation anxiety try to downplay your departures and returns. When you leave, do not make such a big deal, just leave. Most dachshund owners shower their dogs with so much attention and love just before leaving this only increases the dog’s anxiety. You should also try to ignore him 10-15 minutes after arriving home. It may sound mean but you are actually helping your dachshund.

To deal with dachshund separation anxiety, you could try varying your routines. If you do certain things before leaving, do them some other time if possible. Dachshunds are intelligent dogs and will notice the preparations you usually make before you leave. When you start doing these things the dog will become restless and follow you everywhere just to keep you in sight.

A trick you could use to sort out your dachshunds separation anxiety is to exercise the dog before you leave. He will get so tired such that when you leave he will snooze away. However this is a temporary method of solving the issue. You may try it while training the dachshund to stay on his own.

Do not get annoyed when your dachshund suffers separation anxiety.  You should know that dogs that exhibit this problem are the most loving companions. Still you must train your dog to be on his on for a while. When your dachshund is less anxious his general health improves both physically and mentally. Therefore, dachshund separation anxiety training is necessary.

Dachshund Jumping

Dachshunds are playful but you should never let your dachshund jump to high places as he is playing. Jumping is bad for their backs. However, simply standing on their hind legs is ok. As an owner of a dachshund you must keep a close eye on your dog and watch out for dachshund jumping until he is trained not to jump.

Dachshund problems arising from jumping are attributed to their long bodies which are so low due to their short legs. Strenuous jumping can cause wear and tear of the dachshund’s joints and spine, causing spine and back problems. If you see your dachshund jumping high and dropping back down you need to stop him immediately and make him know that it is wrong. Eventually he will learn and will keep from jumping.

dachshund jumpingYou should not let your dachshund jump on and off furniture without assistance. Their backs may bend the wrong way placing pressure on the discs. Follow the tips given by your vet to deal with the problem of jumping by your dachshund. The dachshund may not know that it may harm is back by jumping and it is up to you to discourage him from jumping. This is important in order to avoid back problems which are a major concern for dachshunds.

If the dogs need to climb to some place lift him up and also bring him down and handle him in such a careful manner ensuring that you support his whole back. Dachshund jumping causes too much strain on the dogs back and can lead to serious injuries. Children should never be allowed to lift the dachshund as they may not handle him the way the dog should be supported during lifting. They may harm the dog’s spine in the process.

As a result of jumping, dachshunds are likely to suffer slipped and ruptured disks. To avoid back problems which are often associated with jumping it is important that as you discourage dachshund jumping, you should keep the dogs weight in check as well. It is much worse when an obese dachshund attempts to jump than when it is a healthy dachshund. The consequences are much more serious. This is because obesity strains the dogs back even more while jumping leading to serious back problems.

It is however unfortunate that one in every four dachshunds will become paralyzed in middle age from disk disease. The vertebra of dachshunds is weak due to their elongated structure and short legs. This sounds scary but it does not have to happen to your lovely cute sausage dog. Healthy dachshunds are known to live long healthy lives ranging from 12 to 15 years. You must therefore train the dachshund not to jump from beds and furniture and whenever he has to climb, help him by lifting him. Otherwise he may end up paralyzed due to dachshund jumping. You must be very careful with your dachshund dog. A dachshund is a special dog with a special physique and special needs.

Dachshund Agility

Agility is a very exciting dog sport. The dog should try to complete the course in the shortest time without any blunders such as running the same course twice or knocking down a post. In dachshund agility, the handler directs the dachshund through an obstacle course using voice command and hand signals. Dachshunds being the intelligent dogs they are often complete a number of agility courses, especially if they are modified specifically for dachshunds to avoid jumping and climbing. Agility can be most enjoyable activity and must not be taken in all seriousness. It is so much fun for everyone involved and the spectators. Dachshunds being originally hunting dogs retain their aggressive nature. Agility training is a good way of redirecting their aggressive hunting instincts and abilities in a positive manner.

To take part in dachshund agility competitions, start by taking an agility class but take it lightly and have fun. Just like with any other training, always reward your dachshund afterwards. It will motivate him.

Dachshund AgilityAgility, being a team event, requires both the trainer and the dachshund dog to work together to negotiate the obstacle course. This is a sport that involves quick thinking on the part of the handler. He must think on the spot and use verbal commands and body language to communicate to the dachshund. As a handler, your dog is depending on you. Agility has so much variety and every course challenges the dog in a different way. There could be tunnels, weave poles and tire jumps among others.

In dachshund agility competitions it is the jumps that pose the greatest challenge for dachshunds given their long bodies and short legged, sausage like physique. It takes time to master the jumps.  It is best to start with the pole nearly touching the ground and gradually raise it. Tunnels are where dachshund dogs shine in agility; being burrowers this is their tuff. Tunnels are the easiest maneuver for them as they were bred to hunt badgers on their burrow. Weave poles are a challenge to both handler and dachshund. Dogs prefer straight routes. Short legs also pose a problem. This is for the advanced classes. Agility courses that do not require the dog to jump or climb are great.

Dachshund agility training is a great way to spend a weekend with your dachshund. You and your dog will exercise while your dog gets obedience lessons and learns to follow commands. If you are interested find an agility club in your area and join. They have all equipment for agility training and agility competitions. Even before dachshund agility training can begin, the dog should be well versed with basic obedience commands. You must have control of your dog in agility.

It is encouraging to know that dachshunds are quick learners when they are not being stubborn. To progress in agility classes it is best that the handler takes the classes lightly and does not put pressure on the dog. The dachshund needs to be constantly encouraged with praises, treats and motivation.

Dachshund Obedience

Dachshund obedience training does not have to be an unpleasant experience. Obedience training involves issuing the basic commands in simple words. Obedience training is usually made easier when one obtains proper information and tips from a professional dachshund trainer. Use rewards for obedience training and verbal praise. Training time is bonding time.

Obedience training takes time and patience. If you do not have time for training and socializing the dachshund and are short tempered, this may not be the dog for you. To train a dachshund in obedience and following of commands is a tough challenge and not everyone can manage. There are those who have got new dachshunds only to give them up after a while saying that they are not obedient and will not listen to them. This is because dachshunds are a naturally stubborn breed.

dachshund obedienceIn dachshund obedience training you must deal with their stubborn nature. It is better to do so in a firm but loving way and you should start from the moment you bring him home. Start by teaching him simple and basic obedience commands. Use one word commands such as ‘come’ as opposed to ‘come here’. Be patient with the dog as dachshunds tend to refuse to go along with compulsion and may become irritable when pushed. The dachshund is irritable he may respond defensively and their aggression will surface making the whole experience unpleasant.

It is better to start obedience training from three to six months when they are most likely to be less stubborn. There is nothing as discouraging as an unruly dachshund puppy in public. So, when the dog attains the right age for training, ideally fourteen weeks, the owner should begin training him. Alternatively the dachshund puppy could be taken to a trainer or enrolled in puppy dachshund obedience school. Nevertheless, the most important thing in dachshund training is to understand the dog, regardless of who is training the dog, whether it is the owner or a professional. The trainer should know when the right time of training is and give proper training. The trainer should also be firm yet friendly to avoid bringing out the hostile temperament of the dachshund.

Dachshund obedience training is highly recommended. Dachshunds are smart dogs that learn well in the right environment. Obedience school is equally important for the dachshund owner and not only the dog. The owner learns how to give instructions to his dachshund and the dachshund is taught how to follow the instructions. Dachshunds can be very defiant and arrogant and sometimes they will totally choose to pay no attention to what they are being required to do .some  dachshunds are difficult to train on your own and that is when obedience classes come in to save the day.

Before you take your dachshund to obedience school make sure he has had all his immunizations before mingling with other dogs. Dachshund obedience school also helps with socialization. When all is said and done one would be surprised that these hard headed and aggressive cute dachshunds do best in obedience school.